This is the NCJWBCS Archives (January 2013 - May 2021). The current site can be found here.

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.

A Faith in the Future. A Belief in Action.


On Sunday, December 7, 2014, a bevy of Solos members ushered in the holiday season with a luncheon at the newly re-opened Momento restaurant in Tenafly.  The afternoon included a delicious lunch complete with wine, live entertainment, grab bag gifts and lots of laughter.

Watch the website and our newsletter for future exciting Solo events.

Fran Einiger, Marlene Furer and Barbara Tilliss, Solos Co-chairs

Photos of Solos Who Lunched:

Solos 1 Solos 2 Solos 3 Solos 4