This is the NCJWBCS Archives (January 2013 - May 2021). The current site can be found here.

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.

A Faith in the Future. A Belief in Action.


David Rothenberg book coverYou could have heard a pin drop today as David Rothenberg made his presentation to an enthusiastic group who came on May 17 to hear his story at our General Meeting.

A Teaneck native, Mr. Rothenberg spoke about his book, “Fortune in My Eyes,” a memoir that documents his fascinating life.  He spoke about the foundation that he launched in 1967, the Fortune Society to help ex-prisoners re-enter society and put their past behind them.

The audience was absolutely mesmerized as Mr. Rothenberg, in his own inimitable style, spoke about why he traded in a thriving career in theater, working with Bette Davis, Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and Lauren Bacall, to help the formerly-incarcerated and to reform the prison system.  David Rothenberg won us over with his humor, sensational story-telling and good sense. In essence, he “made our day!”

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David Rothenberg poses for photo-op with NCJW BCS members

David Rothenberg poses for photo-op with NCJW BCS members