This is the NCJWBCS Archives (January 2013 - May 2021). The current site can be found here.

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.

A Faith in the Future. A Belief in Action.


Richard MingoiaRichard Mingoia began his career at YCS as a psychiatric social worker at the YCS Children’s Mental Health Center at Christ Hospital in Jersey City and was quickly promoted to Assistant Director of Children’s Services.  He continued to steadily increase his responsibilities, becoming the Site Administrator of the YCS Holley Center and Associate Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer.  In 1996, Richard was selected by a search committee to lead YCS as its President/CEO.

Under Richard’s guidance, YCS has become the undisputed leader in caring for children in need throughout New Jersey. YCS is now a $90 million dollar agency with over 1,600 employees serving 7,175 children in the past year. YCS offers over 90 programs and provides more residential beds for children than any other agency in the country.

Richard had the courage to honestly assess the child behavioral health environment in our State and charted a bold and new direction for his organization.  This vision revolves around the idea that children and families deserve to have their needs and preferences met when, where, and how they need help.

Richard’s powerful quotient of passion and vision has led not only to a significant expansion of programs and services to children and families, but also a sweeping change to the mission of the organization.  The YCS mission – “YCS partners with each child to build a healthy, happy, productive life within families and communities” – embraces the “whole” child, its family and community, and is a hallmark of the YCS approach and of Richard’s personal belief system.

Richard Mingoia has demonstrated through his leadership of YCS, as well as his leadership at the state level, that he has a unique understanding of the relationship among behavioral health policy, financial reimbursement methodologies, sound clinical practice, and measurable outcomes.  His background as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with advanced training in Supervision of the Therapeutic Process in individuals and groups, plus a Masters in Business Administration in Finance, added to his high level management skills combine expertise that has proven invaluable to the success of YCS.

Ever the optimist, Richard courageous stance and commitment to positive change has also positioned him as a leader as the State reevaluates the way children’s services and care for the developmentally disabled are provided, offering solutions and possibilities rather than criticisms and complacency. Certainly the successful transformation of his own agency has required bravery and conviction, and his assumption of a powerful voice of leadership at the State level exhibits a devotion to change.  However, it is Richard’s intellectual honesty and his willingness to subject himself to a parallel process of personal change and growth that is his most impressive commitment.

YCS is extremely fortunate to have this man of vision and compassion at the helm.  He  will be presented with the award at Bergen County Section’s annual installation luncheon on June. 7.