This is the NCJWBCS Archives (January 2013 - May 2021). The current site can be found here.

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.

A Faith in the Future. A Belief in Action.

Celebrating 91 years at Installation Luncheon

Ellen Jacobs installs Executive (4)NCJW Bergen County Section members and friends joyously celebrated 91 years of making a difference at their Annual Installation Luncheon at Seasons Restaurant on Tuesday, June 10, 2014. This year’s honorees were: Elaine Adler, Hannah G. Solomon Award; Roxanne Reff, Woman of the Section; Phyllis Betancourt and Ilene Wechter, Emerging Leaders. Officers and Trustees installed were:  Honorary President Ellie Lubin; Honorary Vice Presidents Carole Benson, Elaine Pollack; Co-Presidents Gladys Laden, Ann Levenstein; Vice Presidents ADMINISTRATION Phyllis Betancourt; ADVOCACY & EDUCATION Roz Altman, Shelly Winner; COMMUNITY SERVICES Nan Matlick, Roxanne Reff; MEMBERSHIP Tama Cuperman, Norma Goldsmith; PHILANTHROPY Peggy Fine; THRIFT SHOP Fran Migdal, Ilene Wechter; Treasurer Doris Sarokin; Corresponding Secretary Zita Foster; Recording Secretary Barbara Simon. State Resolutions and Proclamations were presented to honorees and slate by New Jersey State Senator Loretta Weinberg.

Pearl Sorkow table centers Thank you

Click each photograph to enlarge.
Roxanne Reff & Karen Kurland (2)DorisFranCeliaPhyllisValerie Huttle, Loretta Weinberg, Roxanne ReffElaine Adler, Loretta Weinberg (1)Lucy Doree (2)Mary Sue EhrenbergAbby Reff (2)
Herb Laden and Bob Levenstein Ha'Mozi (1)
Elaine Adler, Karen Kurland
Emerging Leaders & Karen Kurland
Emerging Leaders with Resolution and Proclamation and Karen Kurland
Ellen Jacobs
Ellen Jacobs installs Executive (1)
Ann Levenstein & Gladys Laden (6)
Elaine Adler picks raffle winner
Valerie Huttle, Elaine Adler, Loretta Weinberg
Norma Goldsmith, Karen Kurland
Natalie Landau, Sn. Loretta Weinberg, Karen Kurland
Mimi, Sabina Sicklick
Marilyn Taffett, Alice Kanrich, Ann Burriss, Ginny Wasserman, Hennie Ostrower
Laden table with Scott Reddin
Gloria Ansch, Pearl Sorkow, Carole Benson, Inez Swartz (2)
Elaine Pollack and friends
Elaine Adler, Valerie Huttle table
Barbara Tilliss, Ruth Dinkes, Edie Kaplan
Corinne, Mimi
Lucy & Pearl
Karen Kurland, Nita Gottesman, Joyce Kalman, Carole Benson
Karen, PeggyF, Mary Sue, Carole, PeggyK
Peggy Fine
Ann Levenstein raffle winner (1)
Ellen Jacobs table