This is the NCJWBCS Archives (January 2013 - May 2021). The current site can be found here.

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.

A Faith in the Future. A Belief in Action.

HIPPY WORKSHOP, October 10, 2013

NCJW BCS volunteers enjoyed helping HIPPY kids create some crafts for the fall while their parents attended their monthly workshop. Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) is an evidenced-based program that works with families in the home to support parents in their critical role as their child’s first and most important teacher.

Click image to enlarge.

Volunteers: Betty Feurer, Beverly Lazar, Carole Benson,  Ellen Ptalis, Evalyn Brownstein, Grace Fuld, Henrietta Wolfeiler,  Nan Matlick,  Phyllis Becker, Ruth Dinkes, and Trina Jowdy.

Volunteers: Betty Feurer, Beverly Lazar, Carole Benson, Ellen Ptalis, Evalyn Brownstein, Grace Fuld, Henrietta Wolfeiler, Nan Matlick, Phyllis Becker, Ruth Dinkes, and Trina Jowdy.