This is the NCJWBCS Archives (January 2013 - May 2021). The current site can be found here.

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a grassroots organization of volunteers and advocates who turn progressive ideals into action. Inspired by Jewish values, NCJW strives for social justice by improving the quality of life for women, children, and families and by safeguarding individual rights and freedoms.

A Faith in the Future. A Belief in Action.


Hi NCJW BCS Members,

From time to time we’re going to send you lists of resources that we hope you will find useful. And if you hear of anything that would be really helpful to your fellow-members, by all means reply to this email.

Food Shopping and delivery

Shopping Angels is a volunteer shopping service that personally delivers groceries and other necessities to seniors. To find out more, visit

To sign up, fill out this form: .

Fort Lee Residents: Contact your Mayor’s office to enquire about volunteer shoppers and pass this information onto friends who don’t use the internet.

Restaurant Delivery

Support your local restaurants by ordering Take-Out. Visit or .

How can i help?

Sew Face Masks for Holy Name Hospital: If you can sew and want to help in this time of need, please contact Marian Kugelmass for information about making face masks for Holy Name Hospital.  The masks are used in non-critical areas so traditional masks can be used in critical areas of the hospital.  Marian can be reached at 201-833-8507 or .

ACT Now and Join NCJW and MAZON to increase and expand nutrition benefits, for example SNAP (previously known as Food Stamps), for those struggling with food insecurity.  NCJW BCS is one of 650 Jewish organizations and rabbis who have asked the federal government and policy makers to do everything possible to ensure access to Nutrition programs in the wake of the COVID19 pandemic.  Now it’s your turn to sign a petition to increase and expand food benefits. Click on the link below.

What Shall I Do Today?

Open a Zoom Account to chat to your Family and Friends ( ). It’s so much nicer than a phone call when you can see the person you’re talking to! If necessary, ask a friend or family member to set it up and then all you have to do is click!

Have a virtual Seder. We will be sending out more information about this in a separate Resource email, but meanwhile you can set your family to make-your-own Haggadah at .

Or set up a weekly date to have a Zoom Wine Tasting (BYOB of course!) or Coffee Klatch.

Are You Sure You’re Washing Your Hands Right?

This is a great tutorial: – and hopefully you don’t end up like this!: .

To Make You Smile

Here are a few links that we hope will brighten up your day.

Awesome Alaska!!27249&cid=E6A396B5-A98F-4B36-9C12-64BBE2FB8F1A&ithint=file%2cpptx&wdLOR=c2854B142-7D20-4D18-9096-9096F619D060&authkey=!APm1Fm6AdTHKFdY

“What The World Needs Now” performed by Berklee College of Music Students:

A Very Young Pianist:

And to end … A Taste of Spring in Bergen County (before the deer eat them!)

Stay Safe!

Elizabeth, Ruth, Bari-Lynne